location Eskilstuna, Sweden

clock/ Opening hours Mon-Fri 07:30-18:30

phonenumber +46 73 435 35 88

Increase your sales by entering the
Swedish construction market

If you are a construction supplier looking to increase your sales, then you might be a good fit in the
Swedish market. Swedish Construction Sales can help you enter the Swedish construction market
and gain new long term customers. We will manage the whole sales process from the first contact
with the customer to when we close the sale and follow up.


You are our main focus.

Your opinions and goals are important to be able to create the best strategy to get your products in the Swedish construction market.We will handle the sales process from conversations with the customers to getting your products onto the construction site. This is why it will be important for us to work closely together to get the best sales results for you. You will get a follow-up of customer contacts, quotations and offers as often as you deem fit.


Our work process.

Swedish Construction Sales puts in a lot of effort to make the sales process fast and effective. The process is managed digitally which makes it more transparent and efficient.Our experienced sales team will help you manage the customers, invoicing and deliveries. We are also ready to adapt to your needs.


Digital and transparent collaboration.

Close and transparent dialogue is the key to a successful partnership. From campaign planning, product launch, implementation and reporting. An open dialogue on improvements is a prerequisite for the long-term development of sales processing and increased results. You can decide how often you want to report as for reporting customer contacts, quotes and offers.


Our Offer


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