location Eskilstuna, Sweden

clock/ Opening hours Mon-Fri 07:30-18:30

phonenumber +46 73 435 35 88

About us

Swedish Construction Sales

Swedish Construction Sales is a sales and marketing company that focuses on construction products. We are specialists in our field, providing a range of construction products for both construction companies and resellers. We are dedicated to providing the best service for our clients and customers.

Our team

The company was founded by Oliver Ehrenberg & Anders Niclazon in 2022.

Oliver Ehrenberg, founder


CEO & Co-Founder

Entrepreneur from Stockholm, Sweden with 6 years experience of digital sales and 2 years in the construction business.


Mon-Fri 07:30-18:30


Ander Co-Founder



Entrepreneur from Stockholm, Sweden with 39 years experience in sales. Focus on market, strategy, raising capital and digitization of the company.

Mon-Fri 07:30-18:30