location Eskilstuna, Sweden

clock/ Opening hours Mon-Fri 07:30-18:30

phonenumber +46 73 435 35 88

Find new construction manufacturers
from the Baltic countries

If you’re looking for new suppliers of construction products, then Swedish Construction Sales has much to offer.
With our expertise in sales and networking, we can help you find new suppliers from the Baltic construction
industry that provide sustainable and high-quality products at the right price range for you


You are our main focus.

Making business can often be a time consuming process. Swedish Construction Sales carefully vet all suppliers we do business with. This will make it easier for you to find new products and ensure high quality. Your opinions and goals are important for us to be able to find the products that best suit your needs. Book a meeting or contact us to see what we can offer you.

Products from the Baltic countries.

The demand for products from the Baltic countries is growing in Sweden, and for good reason. The products are of high quality and are cheaper than domestic ones.There are often worries that lower prices could lead to reduced quality, but that isn’t the case here. The market in the Baltic countries has the same need for high quality that the Swedish market does, and the products are designed to satisfy that demand.


Digital and transparent collaboration.

Close and transparent dialogue is the key to a successful partnership. Your input will be valued in every step of the process of finding and working with the new suppliers. The suppliers have a wide range of products available, ensuring that you will find the right match.


Delivering the best products for our customers

The suppliers and manufacturers we do business with are from the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. These countries have construction industries whose products are growing in demand in Sweden and much of Europe. Not only does the quality of our clients’ products rival that of domestic products, the products can also be found for lower prices.


Swift communication

Our goal is to become leading experts on sales in the construction industry. Our fast digital communication is essential for this goal. As a new, up-and-coming company, we aren’t weighed down by large amounts of clients and bureaucracy. If you do business with us, you can expect us to get on the job quickly. And if you have questions or would like to contact us for any reason, you can expect a fast response.


A varied supply

To achieve our goals, we have started extensive networking as well as collaboration with several clients. These clients produce a wide variety of construction products, allowing us to provide you with the right products for your company.


Our Clients


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