location Eskilstuna, Sweden

clock/ Opening hours Mon-Fri 07:30-18:30

phonenumber +46 73 435 35 88

Our Offer

You are our Main Focus. 

Your opinions and goals are Important.

Successful strategies starts with networking

Swedish Construction Sales have developed an extensive network of potential customers. This includes companies both big and small, resellers and stores, as well as construction companies that would aim to use the products themselves. This means that whether you want your products in the hands of a variety of customers or if you have a preference for a specific type of customer, we can find the perfect match for you.

Qualifications and competences

Our sales team is experienced in digital marketing, digital sales and construction. This means that we have both the knowledge required to fully understand your products as well as expertise on how to sell them. We are fully dedicated to getting your products to the customers quickly and presenting your products in a way that showcases their strengths.

Swift communication

Swedish Construction Sales is a new company, which has upsides for you. Being new means that we aren’t weighed down by large amounts of clients and bureaucracy. If you do business with us, you can expect us to get on the job quickly. And if you have questions or would like to contact us for any reason, you can expect a fast response. We will also routinely provide you with updates regarding customer contacts, quotations and offers as often as you desire.

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