location Eskilstuna, Sweden

clock/ Opening hours Mon-Fri 07:30-18:30

phonenumber +46 73 435 35 88

Find new business opportunities
to buy and sell construction products

Swedish Construction Sales is a sales and marketing company that specialises in construction products.
We connect suppliers producing high-quality products in the Baltic states with construction
companies in Sweden. Our experienced staff will ensure that the sales process is smooth
and profitable for all parties.



With our substantial experience in construction

sales, we can provide the best services.


Thanks to our efficient communication,

we will answer you within 5 minutes during our office hours.


Providing the most environmentally friendly

products is a top priority of ours.

This is how we can help you.

Our extensive network of clients and customer information allows us to help you find new companies or customers to do business with. We can ensure that your needs and wants are met.


Ensuring sustainability is a key goal for our company. We do business with clients that can provide products durable and sustainable enough to last a long time. This lowers costs by reducing the need for repairs and replacements, and is more environmentally friendly as well.


Any questions?
Feel free to contact us.

Lets Talk